If you have suffered gallbladder disease or gallstones after using Yaz oral contraceptives, you may have the right to file a claim against the manufacturer. While antibiotics may be able to control the spread of infection, pancreatitis and damage to the organs must be addressed with surgery. Potential complications include pancreatitis, infection, perforation of the bile duct or duodenum, and even damage to the bowel.

Today, doctors can perform ERCP to locate and remove bile duct stones. What's more, Yaz birth control pills are thought to lessen the frequency of contractions in your gallbladder. Even through ERCP can help you avoid gallbladder removal surgery (when stones are exclusive to the bile duct), there are risks associated with the procedure. During the operation, the surgeon would explore the common bile duct for gallstones, removing any that were found. Trapped in the duct, these enzymes begin to attack the pancreas, causing inflammation.. That prevents the organ from emptying its bile content into the cystic duct. During the procedure, an endoscope is inserted through the throat into the common bile duct. The excess cholesterol moves out of the liver through the secretion of bile. This strategy is far less invasive than open cholecystectomy. The bile flows into the gall bladder where it remains until it is released to aid in the digestion process. Like infection, pancreatitis can be fatal if it is not treated. Your gallbladder normally regulates the amount of cholesterol in the bile fluid by absorbing it into its wall. Stones can remain within the gall bladder and cause inflammation and infection. They can also migrate into the common bile duct. If the infection spreads, it can become potentially life-threatening. gallbladder removal surgery). Infection within the bile duct is called cholangitis.


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